When looking to sign up for health insurance you have a few options. You can go to the health insurance carriers website and apply directly, visit MNsure’s website and apply directly, or you can contact a Broker and they can help you apply.
Here are 5 reasons why you should use a Broker when you sign up for health insurance:
1. They work for you, the client.
Brokers work with insurance companies but do not work for them. A Broker’s first priority is their clients.
2. It costs you no additional money to work with a Broker.
There is no additional cost to working with a Broker rather than working directly with MNsure or an insurance company. Your Broker should be there afterwards to answer any questions you may have or help resolve any issues.
3. They will be able to help you choose which plan will be best for you either on MNsure or in the private insurance market.
Your Broker should sell plans that are both on and off of MNsure. There are a variety of plans that are out there and your Broker will help you find the best one for your needs. If you work directly with MNsure you will only be looking at plans that are available on the exchange and not have access to all of the plans in the individual insurance market.
4. Once you are enrolled in a plan they can help you with any issues that may arise while on the plan.
Brokers do more than help you choose and sign up for a plan. Your Broker should be there for you if you need help even after you’ve enrolled on your plan. If you decide to apply directly with the insurance carrier or with MNsure you will lose the advantage of having a person who can represent you if any issues show up. Your only course of action will be to work with the carrier or MNsure directly.
5. Every year during your renewal your Broker can discuss options.
The insurance market and your personal needs are always changing. Speak to your Broker when you get your renewal and they will assist you in finding the best option.
These are only some of the many advantages to using a Broker when you sign up for insurance on both MNsure and the private market.
Your Broker should be only a phone call away to help you navigate the health insurance system, explain information, review renewals, and be there if an issue needs to be escalated.